When someone asked me, camana leh gugur?
Wat keja lasak ka?
Makan benda-benda tajam ka?
Huhu sungguh tidak mensensitif kan mereka itu.
Walau, from the outside saya kelihatannya OK.
But, dalam hati kita, who knows kan.
Dalam hati ada taman ka, ada tangis ka, no one know.
Ada plak yang tanya, macam mana tau gugur?
Keluar ketul-ketul ka?
Macam haid ka?
Atau saket ja?
Are they concerned 'bout me or just wanna know?
Or sort of 'busy body'?
Owh let me tell ya, I aborted my baby.
Yeah, rite.
I told them, "Taklah, ini bukan gugur yang keluar sendiri ni. Kena keluarkan secara paksa"
Hah? Menggugurkan la ek?
Abort ka?
Don't they understand?
My situation, it was called a silent/missed miscarriage.
Our baby was diagnosed lost her/his heartbeat at 12weeks.
It's called a missed, because I totally don't realize anything has
gone wrong.
No usual signs of miscarriage at all.
(Darah mula turun, after our baby died for almost 3-5 days)
And for the D & C procedure, I am not terminating the pregnancy nor the baby.
We're deciding for D & C, when our baby has sadly confirm already died.
If I wait for my body starts to lose it naturally - it will be more
painful, uncomfortable and traumatic experience.
Said the Gynea.
Agak mensenang bagi yang kurang faham, hmm orang-orang tua cakap, anak mati dalam perut.
Lebih kurang begitulah.
Haha, yea hari ini saya agak mensensitif yea hari ini.
Ah bukan.
Sangat sensitif OK.
Ah bukan.
Sangat sensitif OK.
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